How is the internet shaping the education system in India?
October 2022

The internet and education have historically been two distinct topics. But in other ways, they still resemble one another. Information can be passed from one person to another through both education and the internet. While education is necessary for a skills and mental development, the internet also contributes to the same.

There have been numerous developments in the education industry recently as a result of the availability of high speed broadband internet and the surge in demand for alternatives to traditional learning methods. The traditional education industry has clearly undergone a change thanks to the use of the internet for education. It has promoted seamless remote learning and opened up channels for unrestricted resource and data sharing

The impact of internet on education

Numerous universities and colleges have permitted online learning for students during the past two years. With the help of the internet, students can now get a bachelor's or master's degree while simply getting education at home and doing online coursework. There are several books and instructional videos online. This means that a student can learn anything they desire if they have access to high speed broadband internet

By utilising online learning effectively, educators can plan classes, students can widen their horizons of knowledge, and the quality of educational resources can be improved. It lets educators analyze a student’s individual needs and tailor lessons to match them accordingly.

A substantial benefit of using the internet for education is that it makes lessons accessible even in remote settlements and rural areas. In addition, the use of the internet for students made it possible to continue educational pursuits during the Coronavirus pandemic, which brought the world to a standstill.

Requirements for online education

To ensure that the accelerating pace of technology keeps up with the expanding significance of the internet in education, a few things are necessary.

High speed broadband internet

Any effective online education infrastructure is built around the ready accessibility of a fast and dependable internet connection.

Community participation

The urban community is typically better prepared to use the internet for education since they have easy access to the essential infrastructure. This has now also been getting applied to the rural areas where access to online education was limited

Open resource sharing

For students of all ages, there is a great amount of information available online outside of textbooks. To fill the gap between students and resource limitations, a number of online learning systems have evolved.

Importance of internet in education

The use of internet for education helps to streamline the sharing of information and communication. It also helps to create a platform for students to learn about different areas of interest. The internet is a very powerful tool that can be used to enhance the quality of education. Schools have been known to use the internet as a medium for teaching students. But it is not always easy for schools to provide students with access to the internet when they are in class. This is because many schools do not have access to high-speed broadband Internet connections which allow them to offer online classes. Here’s how important the internet is when it comes to education -

Higher Interactivity

With the inclusion of social media apps and online learning platforms that provide real-time assistance, teachers and students are now able to engage in dynamic interactions whenever the need arises. The internet has provided a large boost to interactivity in student-teacher interactions. The benefits of this interactive approach are numerous: • Students can ask questions on their own terms, without needing to wait for a teacher or tutor to respond. • Students enjoy self-directed learning and are no longer restricted by fixed class hours. • Students can choose their own pace of study, allowing them to work at their own pace. • Teachers can monitor progress and assess how well students are learning over time. • Students can study independently from home, allowing them to work at their own pace while still getting help when they need it (e.g., by logging into online tutoring platforms).

Flexible learning

Conventional modes of education do not apply to online learning and its platforms. Access to high-speed broadband Internet allows one to learn their study material online remotely and at their own pace. It also serves as a 24x7 support system for students and teachers to interact. It also allows working professionals to enroll in courses that fit their schedules. In today's world, it has become very easy for students to learn from anywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. The internet connection plays a vital role in keeping up with the latest developments in various fields of learning. With this technology, students can now access any type of learning material they need at any time of the day or night when they are free from distractions or other commitments that might prevent them from doing so otherwise. They can even ask questions directly over chat or voice calls with instructors or fellow students who may be nearby or across the globe depending on how far apart they live from each other.


Purchasing books and study material is usually an expensive affair. However, with online courses and other sources of information, accessing study material online has become cost-efficient. Online courses are a good way to learn new and updated skills in a short time span. There are many free courses available on the internet that can help you develop your skills in various fields including programming, engineering, design, etc. It is also cheaper than traditional methods because the cost of printing and shipping is eliminated. In addition to this, you can access the course when it will be convenient for you.

Regularly updated and dynamic

A large number of online websites and data archives are able to receive real-time updates. This allows students to download information on their laptop that is up to date, verified and ready for distribution. The availability of real-time data allows for students to make better decisions about their projects, as well as having an easier time communicating with others who may have similar interests or skillsets.

Multimedia integration

Multimedia-integration is the use of multimedia in an educational context. Studies have shown that we usually consume data faster and more efficiently through audio-visual format. These formats include multimedia, infographics, slideshows etc. These multimedia formats can be actively used in courses and lessons thanks to the use of the internet.


A new dimension of accessibility and interactivity has enhanced the quality of educational resources and the quantity of relevant data that can be seamlessly transferred even from one point to another. This momentum can be expected to rise as more internet-enabled devices and data accessibility becomes commonplace in rural locations and to all socio-economic communities. The internet has provided an impetus to the growing education sector. This new dimension of accessibility and interactivity has enhanced the quality of educational resources and the quantity of relevant data that can be seamlessly transferred even from one point to another. This momentum can be expected to rise as more internet-enabled devices and data accessibility becomes commonplace in rural locations and to all socio-economic communities. It is crucial that we develop effective systems for delivering quality education services through engaging learning experiences with the internet at their core. Thus, in order to ensure a seamless yet effective delivery of education, switch to a future-ready connection that offers high speed with equal upload and download speeds - switch to Hathway FiberMAX now!
