7 Easy & Affordable Decor Hacks for the festive season
December 2022

The festival season always begins with a spur of cleaning. This period of decluttering is followed by the most beautiful decorations and rooms that begin to slowly pile up with gifts. The importance of a broadband connection during the festive season cannot be understated. It is through an internet connection that we can learn home decoration hacks, do online shopping, and coordinate with our friends and relatives to plan for the festivities. To kickstart your cleaning and decorating madness, we’ve found the best home decoration ideas online.

Declutter First

Before you can begin to decorate your doors and set up lights in every corner, the house needs to be cleaned. Try and tackle all the neglected spots, like the tops of cupboards and under the bed to make your home sparkle. To make the process more fun, find the best internet provider near you and play Netflix or Spotify all day while you finish these tasks.

String Lights With Paper Cups

Find a spare set of string lights and a lot of paper cups. Paint each cup (or buy colored ones) and then cut a small hole in the bottom of the cup. You can now fit the hole into the string lights so that each bulb has a small paper cup lampshade. The result is a beautiful, colourful, and fun home decoration idea.

This home decoration hack involves recycling your old pickle jar into candle holders. Wash, clean, and dry the jars and then paint them lightly using glass paint. After this, throw the lid away and drop a candle in. You’ll have beautiful candle lights that illuminate various colours throughout the house

Paper Garlands

If you have kids at home, and don’t want the messiness of paint, this home decoration idea is for you. Buy some coloured paper online with an internet connection, and let your kids draw various animals and shapes on the paper. After this, cut them out and string them along the house. It’s a cute and fun way of getting everyone at home involved in decoration.

Floating candles

Find a shallow and large bowl and fill it with water. Drop different flower petals like rose, chamomile, marigold, and jasmine into the water. Then find candles without a metallic coating and drop them in as well. They’ll float serenely on the top and create a beautiful image For most of these home decoration hacks, you’ll need the best broadband connection to do shopping online. Luckily, the best internet provider , Hathway, is probably near you. To get the internet connection you need to fulfil all of your home decoration ideas.
