7 Ways to Fix Slow Internet
December 2023

Tap. Tap. Tap. Still nothing except that small grey circle going round and round! The agony of a buffering screen is real. Millions of people go through the daily struggles of slow internet and start looking up “how to fix slow WiFi at home?”

Well, that search has brought you to the right place! Let’s go through 7 easy ways to fix a slow internet connection.

7 Easy Fixes to Boost Your Internet Speed

1. Restart your router and modem

Sometimes it is a classic case of “just try on-off once” and this simple step can often clear temporary glitches and increase net speed. Simply turn them off for 30 seconds, then back on.

2. Reposition your router

The further you are from your router, the weaker the WiFi signal. You can fix slow internet by placing the router in a central location. Keep it away from walls and obstructions that can interfere with the signal.

3. Upgrade your router

Expecting older routers to handle modern internet usage is like trying to stream 4K content on a plasma TV. It doesn’t add up! So, consider upgrading to a newer, more powerful router that can support the latest WiFi standards.

4. Reduce Wi-Fi congestion

If there are too many devices competing for bandwidth, it can significantly slow things down. To increase internet speed, just disconnect unused devices from your WiFi network.

5. Identify bandwidth hogs

Some applications use more bandwidth, like video streaming services and online gaming. You can use your router's settings or third-party apps like REZRV or Manage Engine, to identify bandwidth hogs and prioritise them as you need.

6. Use WiFI extender or mesh network

WiFi extenders can boost the signal to areas that are especially hard to reach while a mesh network provides a seamless connection throughout your home with multiple nodes.

7. Contact your internet service provider (ISP)

If you've tried all these fixes and your internet speed is still lower than what you're paying for, contact your internet service provider immediately. They might need to troubleshoot the issue from their end.

Faster Internet Is Bringing Evolution

We all know we need fast internet for fast streaming, but that’s not all! There are many other reasons why faster internet will become more important in the future.

Fueling the Remote Revolution - The rise of remote work, online learning, and collaboration opens a world of opportunities for everyone. It all heavily depends on a stable and high-speed internet connection.

Unlocking the Power of the Cloud - Cloud storage and apps are everywhere now! Faster internet enables seamless cloud backups, smoother access to cloud software, and a more efficient workflow.

The Future is here and its Streaming - HD and 4K streaming, and gaming have taken visual entertainment to the next level. But this bandwidth-heavy entertainment relies on high internet speeds.

Homes Are Getting Smarter - ‘Hey Siri/Alexa/Google’ Just say the name and get things done! The faster your internet speed, the more seamlessly connected and responsive your smart devices.

The Future of Innovation - We are currently stepping into another era of entertainment technology altogether. Emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) demand significant bandwidth for the best experience.

Upgrade to Blazing-Fast Internet Today!

By investing in a faster internet connection, you are not just eliminating frustration; you are opening doors to a world of enhanced opportunities. Hathway Broadband is a well-known brand in the industry that offers dual-band router for enhanced WiFi speed and reduced interference. This is complemented by the 24x7 support, reliable customer service, and quick response through their efficient chatbot system.

Don't let slow internet stop you from enjoying all that the web offers. Fix slow internet with the tips mentioned above and you'll be streaming, downloading, and browsing without any lags, in no time!


Q: How do I fix an unstable internet connection?

Run an internet speed test to confirm a speed problem, then restart your router and modem. Check for background hogs and reposition your router for a stronger signal.

Q: Why does my internet connection keep dropping?

It could be a glitch with your router or modem. Try restarting them! If too many devices are using WiFi. Try to disconnect the unused ones.

Q: Why does my internet drop every day at the same time?

This might be due to high internet traffic in your area during peak hours. In India, this is usually between lunch hours, approximately 1 - 2 pm.

Q: Why does my Mbps go up and down?

More bandwidth than others. The more devices connected, the more the fluctuation in the Mbps. Try identifying bandwidth hogs and removing what’s not needed.
