How to optimize internet speed for your home network?
december 2021

As an increased number of people are working from home right now due to the pandemic, the average number of devices connected to the home wifi has grown as well. This can lead to slower internet speeds, which can cause garbled phone calls, pixelated conference calls, and large files taking several hours to download. It is important to know how to optimize your internet speed for an easy and ideal work from home experience. Below are 6 ways to maximize your wifi connection and internet speed of your home network.

Disconnect unnecessary devices

Since there may be an increased number of people in your household using the wifi connection, many more devices will be connected to the wifi. Some, like a laptop or computer will be necessary for work, but others such as tablets, gaming consoles, wifi TVs, or even phones should be disconnected from the wifi when not being used, as they can have downloads and updates running in the background, taking up valuable bandwidth. Only the essentials should be connected to your network, as the higher the number of devices connected to the connection, the slower the connection is.

Upgrade your router

Technology is always advancing. A router from a few years ago may not be the best or fastest one now, especially if you have added more devices to your home. If you’ve switched to a fibre optic connection or find that despite a high speed internet plan your connection is still running slow, it’s likely you need a new router. Internet service providers such as Hathway have the latest wi-fi routers that are compatible with high speed internet plans.

Change your frequency channel

There are a few different channels within each frequency band and you can choose which one to use. Most routers automatically choose this for you, but you can change it if necessary. Frequency channels can get crowded with you and your neighbours all on the same frequency band, causing you speed to be slow. To change your wi-fi to the best channel, you’ll need to log onto your router’s online interface.

Subscribe to a high speed internet connection

It could be that your current wifi plan doesn't provide the high internet speed that your home requires. Tips and tricks such as disconnecting your devices and placing your router closer to your location may work for you, but if they don’t, chances are you need to upgrade your internet plan to one that provides a faster connection. Hathway Broadband provides high speed internet plans across India at affordable prices.

Use a fibre optic technology/ GPON connection

These days, the fastest connections use GPON and fibre optic technology. GPON systems can cover larger distances and transmit network faster than the standard copper wire connections. With a fiber optic connection, you could download a movie within seconds compared to the several minutes it would take a cable connection. Hathway Broadband provides fiber optic connections in several cities across India.

Upgrade your security

Use the best security practices for network settings to ensure there aren’t people from outside your home connecting to your network and slowing down your speed. Ensure your wifi is password protected and that your router has a good network firewall.
