Internet Speed Test - Fast Internet Connection
April 2024

The frustration of buffering videos, sluggish downloads, and laggy online games has gotten to us all at one point or another. So, a reliable and fast WiFi connection has become *very* important in today's day and age. But how do you know if your internet is performing what you paid for? Well, that's where an internet speed test comes in.

This blog will help you understand all about internet speed tests and how it can boost WiFi speed. Don’t worry if you're not a tech whiz, we will ease you into it!

What is an Internet Speed Test?

As the name suggests, an internet speed test is a quick and easy online tool that measures the performance of your internet connection. Most of these usually assess three key metrics: download speed, upload speed, and ping.

Download Speed: Measured in Mbps, it’s how quickly your device can receive data from the internet. How fast you can download movies, games, or large files.

Upload Speed: Also measured in Mbps, it’s about how fast your device can send data to the internet. Uploading photos to social media, video calls, and large emails rely on upload speed.

Ping: Measured in milliseconds (ms), ping represents the time it takes for a data packet to travel from your device to a server and back. A lower ping is generally better, especially for real-time activities like online gaming and video calls.

Jitter: Also measured in milliseconds (ms), jitter is the variation in time delay between when a signal is transmitted and when it's received over a network connection. The jitter level should stay lower for better performance.

How to Run a Speed Test

Now that you know the basics, let's understand how to run a speed test! You can find several reliable options online. Here are three of our favourites!

Speedtest by Ookla: by Netflix:

Our favourite option is Hathway Speedtest though! Unlike most other internet speed tests, it provides a jitter speed also!

Hathway Speedtest:

Simply visit one of these websites, click "Start Test," and wait a few seconds. The test will display your download speed, upload speed, and ping. Easy peasy, right?

How to Read Your Speed Test Results

The speed test results might look like a jumble of numbers at first glance. But don't worry, we'll break it down based on your needs!

Download Speed: Generally speaking, for basic web browsing and social media, a download speed of 10 Mbps is enough. But for streaming HD videos, online gaming, or downloading large files, you'll need a higher speed, ideally 25 Mbps or more.

Upload Speed: For casual usage, an upload speed of 3 Mbps is adequate. But if you regularly upload large files, video chat frequently, or use cloud storage you'll benefit from at least 10 Mbps or more.

Ping: For a smooth online gaming and video calling experience, a ping of less than 50 ms is good! A ping between 50 ms and 100 ms is still acceptable for most uses. But anything above 100 ms can lead to a noticeable lag.

Jitter: To have an uninterrupted internet session ideally, an acceptable jitter level should stay below 30 ms.

Here's a handy tip: It's a good idea to run the speed test a few times at different times of the day. This will help you get an accurate picture of your average internet speed.

Optimising Your WiFi Speed

Now let’s put all that we have learned to test with a few changes and boost WiFi speed at home or office! After each step, run a speed test and see the difference it makes in real time!

Position your router strategically: If you place it in a dingy corner behind some furniture or near electronic devices that can interfere with the signal - you are doomed. So, try to find a location in a central area of your home, away from walls and obstructions.

Minimise the number of connected devices: The more devices connected to your WiFi network, the more they compete for bandwidth, and the slower your internet speed. So, just disconnect unused devices.

Consider upgrading your internet plan: If you've tried everything and nothing seems to work, it’s time to upgrade your internet connection to a higher-speed plan. Contact internet service providers in your city to find other available options.

Taking Control of Your Connection

There’s no need to wait around anymore with your buffering screens, dropping video calls, and stuck uploads! Because you have everything you need to boost WiFi speed. By understanding your internet speed test results and implementing these simple tips, you can take control of your WiFi connection in no time.


Q: What does the Ookla speed test measure?  

It checks your internet connection speed with 3 criteria: download, upload, and ping (responsiveness).

Q: Is Ookla internet speed test accurate?

Yes. Ookla is a reliable source for gauging your internet speed. To be double sure, you can also use other speed tests available online.

Q: What's the best website for an internet speed test?

Ookla ( is a popular and trusted option, but others give similar results like
