Symmetrical vs Asymmetrical Bandwidth
December 2023

Maybe this is the first time you’ve heard about symmetrical vs asymmetrical bandwidth. And if that’s the case - you might want to stick around till the end.

In this beginner’s guide, we will take you on a quick journey into the interesting world of bandwidth speeds and internet connection, and find out which option would be the best for you!

What is bandwidth?

Before we get into the details of symmetrical vs asymmetrical bandwidth, first we must understand what bandwidth is even and how it works!

Bandwidth is basically the maximum rate or internet speed at which the data can transfer across a network.

Think of it like the width of a pipe through which data flows. The wider the pipe, the higher the bandwidth. The higher the bandwidth, the more the data that can pass through at once, resulting in faster internet speeds.

What is Symmetrical Bandwidth?

Symmetrical internet connection is like having the best of both worlds! Just like the name suggests, it offers equal upload and download speeds for a balanced and consistent performance.

For example, if you have a symmetrical internet speed of 400/400 Mbps, you get 400 Mbps of download and 400 Mbps of upload speeds.

So you could be uploading large files to the cloud, hosting video conferences, or gaming online, symmetrical bandwidth ensures a seamless experience.

What is Asymmetrical Bandwidth?

On the other hand, with asymmetrical internet connection, the download speeds are typically faster than the broadband upload speed.

At one point, download speed was often prioritised by internet service providers (ISPs) and consumers alike but today, upload speeds have become just as important.

So, an asymmetrical bandwidth might work well for tasks like streaming movies or browsing the internet but it can seriously affect activities that require uploading, such as video calls, cloud backups and content creation.

The Benefits of Symmetrical Bandwidth

Comparing symmetrical vs asymmetrical bandwidth is like comparing a sports car to an old sedan. A symmetrical internet connection is better in terms of performance, reliability, and overall user satisfaction.

From streaming crystal-clear videos to uploading one, symmetrical fibre internet makes both the experience feel smoother than butter on a hot pan. So, for just a little more price, you can level up your web game!

Here are a few reasons why symmetrical bandwidth is gaining popularity among businesses and regular internet users alike -.

Improved speed - We’ve all been there – waiting for hours to finish uploading heavy files like watching paint dry! Symmetrical bandwidth provides consistent speeds for both uploading and downloading, resulting in smoother and faster online experiences.

Enhanced productivity - Slow uploads and dropped calls are the telltale signs of an internet bottleneck. With symmetrical internet speeds, tasks like video conferencing, file sharing, and remote collaboration become more efficient.

Future-Proofing - We are more and more reliant on cloud services, but what good is a cloud if you can’t reach it? Symmetrical fibre internet provides a future-proof solution to meet these demands by enabling users to access whenever you need.

What’s the right choice for you?

Choosing between these bandwidth options also depends on the technology your ISP offers. A A fibre connection offers symmetrical bandwidth whereas a DOCSIS server offers asymmetrical bandwidth. If you find yourself nodding along to the above scenarios, a symmetrical internet connection might just be your digital sidekick.

Here are some specific needs and usage patterns to consider when choosing between symmetrical vs asymmetrical bandwidth -

. You’re all about high-def video file sharing, smooth video calls and moving large files with ease.

. You want a rock-solid connection, with uptime hitting the 99% mark or higher.

. Fast speeds are your jam – no waiting around for pages to load or downloads to finish. 

. Cloud-based apps are the backbone of your operation, and any downtime could create a major hiccup for your business.

Key Takeaways

At the end of the day, both symmetrical vs asymmetrical bandwidth offer distinct advantages and cater to different user requirements. While asymmetrical connections are more common in residential settings, symmetrical bandwidth is becoming increasingly popular for businesses and power users who want reliable and consistent performance.

If you prioritise upload speeds for things like content creation, online backups, or video conferencing, symmetrical bandwidth may be the way to go. On the other hand, if your internet usage mainly involves downloading content, asymmetrical bandwidth might be enough.


Why would I choose symmetrical bandwidth over asymmetrical?

Symmetrical bandwidth gives balanced speeds for uploading and downloading, making your web needs like video conferencing and file sharing easy.

What are the advantages of asymmetrical bandwidth for home users?

Asymmetrical bandwidth is great for home users who want faster download speeds to mainly consume content like streaming videos or browsing the web. Additionally, it’s cheaper than symmetrical fibre connection.

Is symmetrical bandwidth necessary for online gaming?

No, it’s not necessary. But it will definitely help you get a smoother gameplay enhancing the overall experience.

Can asymmetrical bandwidth impact video conferencing quality?

Definitely. Asymmetrical bandwidth usually does not have sufficient broadband upload speed which can affect video conferencing quality, resulting in lag or dropped calls.

Can I upgrade my plan to get higher symmetrical bandwidth?

Absolutely! Hathway Broadband offers plans with higher symmetrical bandwidth options for users who need faster upload AND download speeds.
