The Top 5 Reasons Why Downtime Negatively Impacts Your Company
Jaunary 2022

‘Downtime’ refers to the moment when your server, or the portal you’re hosting, crashes. The second your network goes down, there is a direct loss of consumers and opportunities along with increased time, money, and effort spent trying to fix whatever error prompted a system failure. Though downtime can be caused by a myriad of problems, including software glitches, geographical issues, or even common system failures, its primary cause can be linked to an inadequate wifi connection. The moment you host your company’s website, e-commerce platform, or even email server, you are dependent on the internet connection that is sustaining it. Thus, slow, lagging and unreliable internet is detrimental to the success of your business. However, there are methods of ensuring that your internet is as good as it can be, and this comes in the form of leased line services. Here are the top five reasons why downtime negatively impacts your company, along with solutions on how to fix it with a leased line internet package.

Loss of Opportunities & Customers

If the network sustaining your business goes down, even temporarily, the customers who try to reach you/buy products from your website will automatically be discouraged and might head for a different company. Whether the prospective customer is frustrated by the lack of availability or even simply forgets, your company’s business will be damaged. The best way to avoid this is to find a reliable internet connection that does not clog and provides the fastest speed, essentially, a leased line internet connection.

Damaged Brand Reputation

Duelling frequencies can also cause unstable WiFi connections. This sort of event occurs when two or more WiFi routers are being transmitted on the same channel causing the frequencies to be somewhat jammed hence the wireless interference. The problem of duelling frequencies is usually more common in crowded residential areas or office/commercial zones with many WiFi routers in use.

Loss of Productivity

When your staff relies on your server, a glitch in it means several hours, or more, are wasted. Thus, the overall productivity of your company drops as most employees will not be able to finish the tasks they need to.

SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

When your staff relies on your server, a glitch in it means several hours, or more, are wasted. Thus, the overall productivity of your company drops as most employees will not be able to finish the tasks they need to.

Loss of Confidence

Downtime results in a twofold loss of confidence, for other brands, partners, and customers looking to work with you, and on a more personal level through a loss of confidence in your own abilities. Further, it may lead to a loss of morale among staff.

Now that you know the danger that downtime poses to your company, avoid it by contacting the best leased line provider in PAN India and getting the leased line internet package you need to boost your business. To get started with leased line internet plans, , click here to browse Hathway.
