July 2023

In today's entertainment landscape, streaming HD videos have become common. Whether catching up on your favourite TV shows or immersing yourself in the latest movies, having a fast and dependable internet connection for home is crucial. Luckily, Hathway's 100% fibre infrastructure promises a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience. This blog will show you how to make the most of faster internet speeds to enjoy high-definition video streaming like never before.

Fast internet connection

A fast and stable internet connection is crucial to streaming HD videos smoothly. Hathway's cutting-edge fibre technology offers lightning-fast speeds, eliminating buffering and providing a buffer-free streaming experience. With equal download and upload speeds, you can enjoy HD video content without any disturbances.

Internet speed required for 1080p streaming

For optimal HD streaming, a consistent internet speed of at least 5 Mbps is recommended. However, consider opting for higher-speed wifi plans to future-proof your streaming experience and accommodate multiple devices at home. Hathway's offerings provide various speed options to cater to your streaming needs.

Local internet provider in my area:

A significant benefit of a reliable local internet provider is their wide coverage, which makes them accessible in various areas. To check if the service is available in your location, visit their website or contact customer support. Their extensive network ensures you can enjoy a fast internet connection, catering to all your HD streaming needs.

Tips to optimise HD streaming:

  1. 1. Choose the right plan: Select a plan that best suits your HD streaming habits and the number of users in your household. Higher speed plans are recommended for smoother streaming and better performance.
  2. 2. Upgrade your router: A 5 GHz dual-band router can enhance your streaming experience. It provides better coverage and reduces interference, resulting in faster and more reliable streaming.
  3. 3. Connect via ethernet: Connect your streaming device directly to the router using an Ethernet cable. This ensures a more stable connection and minimises the risk of lag or buffering.

By using Hathway's 100% Fibre internet, you can fully tap into the potential of streaming high-definition videos. Now no more buffering and interruptions; immerse yourself in your favourite content, thanks to Hathway's unmatched speed and network security.


What if my internet speed is insufficient for HD streaming?

If your internet speed is insufficient for HD streaming, consider upgrading to a faster plan offered by Hathway. Their fibre infrastructure guarantees faster speeds, making HD streaming easy for your internet connection at home.

Is Fibre Internet available in my area?

Hathway's fibre network is rapidly expanding. Check their website or call customer support to verify the availability of fast internet connections in your area for your home internet connection.

Can I stream HD video on multiple devices simultaneously?

Hathway's high-speed plans allow multiple devices to stream HD videos without any performance degradation. It is ideal for your home internet connection.
