What are some of the internet performance myths you watch out for
Jaunary 2022

The internet is now an integral part of our existence. This makes it possible for us to be sometimes opened to some internet performance myths as we look for ways of getting our office or home internet connection at its optimal best. But placing one's hope on these myths can be equated to attempting to build a fortune on wishes. Therefore, you should maximize your time online by saving yourself from the following myths:

Myth 1: Internet speed boosting software works like magic

Your need for a high speed internet connection is quite understandable particularly if you're an online gamer or someone who runs a business with heavy traffic demand. However, you won't get this by installing internet speed boosting software. Though such software does exist, it is a means of exploiting internet users with a need for fast internet connection. You can save a good sum of money by not purchasing one - rather have a fiber internet connection installed in your home or office.

Myth 2: Lax security is vital for improved internet performance

There should be no second thought about this. You do not have to leave contents or data being transmitted over your network unencrypted or unsecured just because you desire to have better internet connection performance. The truth is that you can achieve encryption and even impressive performance with the right (internet) setup; a good example of this is the fiber internet connection provided by Hathway.

Myth 3: The Internet was traditionally built to perform optimally

You might have been furious with your internet in time past as you expect it to give an optimal performance thereby acting to the script reflected in Myth number 3. But you need to understand that the internet is designed to be reliable, and this is why it has remained accessible over several decades now. So, it's up to you to approach the (ISP) internet service provider with the right solution or broadband package that addresses your internet performance needs.

Myth 3: The Internet was traditionally built to perform optimally

You might have been furious with your internet in time past as you expect it to give an optimal performance thereby acting to the script reflected in Myth number 3. But you need to understand that the internet is designed to be reliable, and this is why it has remained accessible over several decades now. So, it's up to you to approach the (ISP) internet service provider with the right solution or broadband package that addresses your internet performance needs.

Myth 4: An efficient monitoring system can help resolve performance issues

Monitoring systems are worth incorporating into your internet framework. This is because they can help you identify the factor that is responsible for your internet issues - be it traffic congestion or network outage. Beyond this, monitoring systems are limited and you will have to do more to resolve the problems causing the lag in internet performance - maybe by resorting to overlay internet networks or any other advanced option..

Myth 5: Clearing your browser cache instantly speeds up your internet

This is one commonly heralded myth that has settled in the minds of a lot of internet users. It has to be understood that with your cache cleared, space gets freed up on your browser, and this causes the browser to load faster. This doesn't however have any effect on your WiFi's speed or internet connection performance. The performance rate will remain unchanged except (internet connection) upgrade is initiated.

Myth 6: Fiber internet connection is relatively too expensive

This very myth is enough to make you feel fiber internet connection is for a selected few, leaving you to continually put up with a poorly performing internet connection. Though the regular internet packages may be less expensive, the benefits of fiber internet result in immense cost-effective advantages in the long run. For one, a fiber internet connection is highly reliable and assures impressive speed - meaning optimal performance is guaranteed. It is an investment that will give a good return on your business. You can reach out to Hathway to get fiber internet connection installed in your office or for your freelancing/remote work business today.
