How To Maximise your Home Broadband for the Best Work From Home Life.
september 2021

Everyone knows that for the foreseeable future, the new normal is still working from home. Finding time to focus on being as productive as possible set against the backdrop of a noisy house filled with distractions is getting increasingly difficult and the last thing you need to pull you down is a slow internet connection. Here are a few ways you can max-imise your Why every gamer should use a Fibernet connection to maximize their gaming experience.for home with the best internet plans to get ready for a long day of work, and then an equally long night of Netflix binging as a reward.

Rework your Router

A router placed close to other electrical appliances causes electromagnetic disturbances which negatively impacts your internet connection and broadband speed. For the least interference, you should place your router in an open space or hallway in your house so that signals can easily reach your device. Also, always keep your router antenna vertical!

If you find yourself getting increasingly frustrated with slow speed at crucial business mo-ments like during meetings or conferences, try troubleshooting your router. You can al-ways reset the router and if you’re brave, maybe even rework the settings. However, it’s important to always turn off your router for at least 10 minutes a day to let it rest. You could even use this time for a social distance walk, but remember your mask. Whatever you choose to do, call up your broadband services provider for more information and help.

Control your internet usage

With a whole family trying to juggle school, jobs, and friends all on one internet plan, it’s bound to slow down. Try planning your internet usage to ensure that it is available for critical moments. You could do this by not streaming in HD, reducing miscellaneous downloads, and ensuring that while you’re on an important work meeting, another family member isn’t trying to play PUBG.

This can even be done by shutting unnecessary windows or making sure that you aren’t on pages with media-rich files or chat notifications that will slow your speed. Even pesky media pop-ups take up unnecessary bandwidth that could be used somewhere else. If this still is a problem, try searching for an alternative broadband internet plan .

Buff up your Security

Another person could be unfairly stealing your high speed broadband especially if you haven’t updated your security in a long time or if your password is simple. To make sure you’re protected against this, change your wifi password to a complex one using upper and lower case, multiple numbers, and no personal details. With work from home, it’s also the perfect time to install an anti-virus software to further protect your device against hackers.

So make sure you take the above steps to maximise your internet and secure a high speed broadband and to make your work from home experience as smooth as possible. You can also check out Hathway’s internet plans for home to ensure that you’re getting the best possible plan
