optimising wifi connection
January 2024

A smartphone here, a laptop there. A tablet here, a smart speaker there. And one single WiFi connection for them all! When all these gadgets are asking for attention, your WiFi connection can start to feel a bit slow. This can cause your video meetings to drop or heavy lag while streaming, which can quickly turn into a major source of stress in today’s households.

In this article, we’ll teach you how you can optimise your WiFi connection for a smooth and frustration-free internet experience for everyone.

7 Expert Tips to Optimise Your WiFi Connection

Here are a few tips that would definitely be beneficial in optimizing your WiFi connection:

Tip 1. Location, Location, Location!

Just like finding the perfect spot for a beautiful painting enhances it, placing your router in the right spot is important for optimal WiFi performance. The placement of your router significantly impacts your WiFi signal strength. Here's how to ensure your signal reaches every corner of your home:

. Central location: Put your router in a central location within your home for even distribution of the signal. Avoid corners or obstructions like walls that can weaken the signal. 

. Eye-level placement: For better signal reach, you can elevate your router to eye level by placing it on a shelf or mounting it on a wall.

. Remove the Signal Suckers: Keep your router away from electronics like cordless phones, refrigerators, and microwave ovens. These devices can interfere with the WiFi signal, creating traffic on your internet highway.

Remember, the closer your devices are to the router, the stronger and faster the WiFi connection will be.

Tip 2. Pick your lane

Think of your WiFi network as a two-lane highway. One lane (2.4 GHz) offers a wider reach, but it's more crowded and prone to traffic jams (interference). The other lane (5 GHz) is faster, but it has a shorter range. So, how do you avoid rush hour? Here's the trick:

. Lane 1 (2.4 GHz): This is perfect for devices that are away from the router, like your smart fridge (possibly placed in the kitchen) or that rarely used tablet. These devices don't necessarily need super-fast speeds, just a reliable connection. 

. Lane 2 (5 GHz): This express lane should be reserved for your high-bandwidth gadgets like laptops for streaming movies, online gaming consoles, or other devices that need a speedy broadband connection.

Tip 3. Keep the bad guys out!

A secure WiFi network is not just important for protecting your devices and data, it also helps optimise performance. If you leave your network open, it’s like a free buffet for anyone with a device - the more people eating off your internet, the less available it is for everyone else.

You can secure your WiFi connection by taking these 2 steps –

1. Strong Password: Don't underestimate the power of a strong, unique password. Think complex characters, a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The harder it is to crack, the better!

2. Enable Encryption: WPA3 is your best friend! If you use the latest security protocol like WPA2 or WPA3 (WiFi Protected Access 3), the encryption scrambles the data transmitted over your network, which makes it unreadable to anyone trying for a data breach.

Tip 4. Maintain an order of priority

Certain activities, like video streaming and online gaming, consume a lot of bandwidth. So it becomes important to distribute the workload on your WiFi connection based on your needs. Here's how you can keep them in check to ensure a smooth experience for everyone:

. Prioritisation Power: Modern routers come equipped with a neat feature called Quality of Service (QoS). With QoS, you can prioritise traffic from specific devices or applications. 

. Schedule Bandwidth-Heavy Activities: Try to schedule downloads or streaming for off-peak hours when less number of devices are connected.

This helps prevent slowdowns during peak usage times.

Tip 5. Keep your router updated

Just like your phone or computer, your router also needs occasional updates to stay in top form. These updates, called firmware, include bug fixes, security improvements, and even performance enhancement tools. 

Most routers offer automatic firmware updates, but it's always a good idea to check your router's settings regularly for updates every few months. These little tune-ups can keep your router running smoothly and efficiently. 

Tip 6. Be on the lookout!

Keeping an eye on your network activity can help you find out any potential issues before they cause major slowdowns. 

You can do this by using your router's built-in tools or third-party mobile apps to monitor your network activity such as ManageEngine and PRTG network monitor app. These tools can show you which devices are connected, how much bandwidth they're using, and sometimes, find that sneaky unauthorised user trying to piggyback on your connection.

Bonus tip: consider an upgrade!

If you've followed these steps and you are still struggling with slow WiFi on multiple devices, it might be time to consider upgrading your equipment.  

. Look into routers with the latest WiFi standards that offer improved performance and wider coverage. 

. Consider a mesh network system to extend your signal strength and eliminate those pesky dead zones.

. Opt for unlimited WiFi plans for home which can allow uninterrupted internet connection for multiple devices

Some final thoughts

Remember, a little planning and optimization go a long way in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable internet experience for everyone in your tech-savvy home! By following these tips, you will be able to completely transform your WiFi connection to make it more reliable and efficient. 


What is Blacknut Cloud Gaming and how does it work?Why is my WiFi slow with many devices?

Your WiFi connection divides the network when connected to multiple devices. The more devices sharing the bandwidth, the slower things get.

How can I check my WiFi speed?

Just go on your choice of browser and look for free online speed tests. Many internet service providers (ISPs) offer this test which can be taken in just a few clicks!

How can I manage device bandwidth usage?

Some routers let you prioritise devices for smoother streaming or gaming. Look for ‘Quality of Service’ (QoS) settings in your router interface and enable devices you would like to prioritise.

Are there any specific router settings or configurations that can improve WiFi performance for multiple devices?

Absolutely! Some basics would be to keep it at eye-level, unobstructed by any walls or other electronic items. You can also check out our blog post with tips on router placement, prioritizing devices, and router software updates. These tweaks can make a big difference for your multi-device household!
